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the natural arch torquay

The Natural Arch Torquay

Paddling through the natural arch and all the caves along the trail is one of my favorite parts about paddle boarding. And Torquay’s coastline makes finding these treasures so easy .

Clear Water Torquay

Paddling through clear water makes no bigger statement than i’m on an adventure. and the spider paddle board really stands out from the crowed. and on a sunday afternoon nothing better than underwater sight seeing.

the natural arch torquay
headstand on paddleboard

A Headstand On A Paddle Board

Trying out a few daring maneuvers on the paddle board. you can feel the tension through the photo so just to kill  the suspense he didn’t fall in ha ha.

Relaxing on the paddle boards

If adventure racing and water sports aren’t your thing. with a paddle board you always find the perfect un-interrupted place in the sun, to relax and sunbathe.

Relaxing on the paddle board